Monday, March 7, 2011

My Son

My favorite thing in the world isn't a thing at all. It's my son. My silly, crazy, funny, beautiful, loving, what's-he-going-to-do-next?, four-year-old, son. My son has Autism, ADHD, and possibly bipolar. A lot of people would think of Rain Man. But he's nothing like that. He has angry moments. Those are bad. Kicking,screaming, headbanging angry moments. But that's not my little boy. Most of the time my little guy is smiling. Laughing. Hugging me. Begging me to pick him up. "Cuddle mommy! Cuddle" I know what you are thinking...."Autistic kids hate to be touched!", "Autistic kids can't show love!" Well yes. And no. They are all different. My little boy is pretty much a smart two year old. Only he is four. I understand what he is saying, but no one else can. And some things he does are pretty brilliant, some may say genius. But overall he is two, trapped in a four year old body. I love him for who he is. Every bit of him. Every quirk. Every little bit. He is perfect in my eyes.

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